
Demand Set Meeting, April 30th

The OPSEU 365 Bargaining Team is hosting our demand set meeting April 30th at 6pm to 8pm on Zoom. If you need a computer/ space to attend this meeting privately while on campus, DNA C102 in Peterborough and DRA A112 in Durham have been booked. Using either of these computer labs, you can sign into the meeting on Zoom. Your input is very important. Please join us and advocate for what you think should be included in our next collective agreement.
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Demand Set Educational Lunch and Learn

Join OPSEU 365 on March 13th at 12pm to 1pm in SC 108 or on Zoom for a educational Lunch and Learn on Demand Set. Bring/ eat your lunch and enjoy the light refreshments. We plan to cover the basics of the demand set process and prepare ourselves for bargaining. Questions and discussion are always welcome!
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Complete the Workplace Culture Survey!

As we prepare for upcoming bargaining, the OPSEU 365 Bargaining Team launched a workplace culture survey. Due to the confidential nature of the bargaining cycle, the survey may have been sent to your personal email. If OPSEU 365 does not have your personal email or current contact information, please email to update. Your feedback is crucial in shaping our negotiation strategies and making sure to address the issues that matter most to you. Please take the time to complete the survey by Feb. 9th 2025 and help create a better more inclusive workplace for everyone.
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In Solidarity with CUPE 3205, the Food Service Workers at Trent!

CUPE 3205 represents the chefs, cooks, bakers and other food service workers at Trent University employed by Compass. We get to know and appreciate these friendly and hardworking members of the Trent community over a cup of coffee or a quick lunch stop on campus. Although the cost of living has skyrocketed, their wages have not kept up. Making little more than minimum wage, battling high turn over and disrespect. Their collective agreement expired last Sept. 2024. They are working hard to negotiate improved wages and working conditions with their employer. As members of OPSEU 365 we can support the members of CUPE 3205 by wearing the I <3 Trent Food Service Workers button, posting their pamphlet in our work space and speaking up in solidarity with the members themselves…
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Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday February 20th, 11am to 1pm. This is a hybrid meeting, please plan to join on Zoom or in person in Wenjack Theatre. Light refreshments will be served. Find details in the email invitation, including the Zoom link and agenda.
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Lunch and Learn Nov. 14th: Career Development Program

On November 14th from 12pm to 1pm in SC 108 or on Zoom. Join OPSEU 365 for this information session about the Career Development Program. Carrie, responsible for navigating the program with OPSEU 365 participants will go over the process and timeline. Then Hannah and Michelle from Career Space will brush up our cover letter and resume writing skills! Bring your lunch and enjoy our light refreshments/ snacks offered in person. Register by email to confirm your seat or zoom link.
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